Linear Art
Instructions Click here to see instructions for my Linear Art Design
Instructions Click here to see instructions for my Linear Art Design
“Dig deep,come on Tanner you can do it, dig deep” my dad always says. My dad never gives up on me no matter how big of a hole I’m in. That is one of the reasons why he is my hero. When we are in a game and my team is losing,no matter how bad […]
This year three things that I learned about is, America’s history from 1900 to 2000, what a stanza is, and how to add a fidgit to my blog. Two things I struggled with is understanding the Great Depression, Social Studies. Something that suprised me is that at recess a lot of people including me started […]
To my Mom: Momma, thank you for everything you have ever done for me, I say things sometimes that I don’t really mean, and i’m sorry. You are truly the best Mom in the world, thank you for helping me on everything. Happy Mothers Day!!!
The Civil War was a bloody war because everybody that was killed was an American. The Civil War was fought because te southern states seceeded from the Union. The southern states called themselves the Confederacy. One of the reasons the southern statees seceeded is Slavery. In the end the union won the Civil War.
My favorite Valentine’s Day legend is this one. One day an Emperor named Cladius11 decided that men with no wives made better soldiers, so he outlawed marriage for young men. However a priest named Valentine decided not to follow the Emperor’s rules and he coninued to perform marriages for young men in love. When the Emperor found […]